Well, I recently sat through License to Wed starring Robin Williams, Mandy Moore & John Krasinski. Not much to it at all. At the end of the movie I was left with an overwhelming sense of dissappointment, and I had the strong taste of cheddar (no, was it swiss) in my mouth. (The movie was cheesy... ha ha ha...)
I am a big fan of The Office and Krasinski's character is perfection on that show. He essentially channels the same sarcasm with a lot less wit for his character in this movie and it doesn't work. His acting was a lot worse on the big screen. Also, Robin Williams, one who rarely dissappoints (both on the dramatic and comedic fronts) played a creepy, stalker reverend who enjoys teaching the joys and hardships of marriage through sadistic and psychotic means. Mandy did nothing for me either.
I did enjoy the small cameos played by Brian Baumgartner (Kevin in The Office) and Angela Kinsey (she plays Angela... funny). They added some nice comedic relief offsetting the boring chemistry between Williams and Krasinski. Well, to sum it all up, I'll give it 1.5/5 cans of spam and never watch it again.
Peace and love.
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