Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fight the power...

One of the first movies fighting "The Man" (who actually has a name, Jim Taylor) was directed by Frank Capra. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a wonderful movie with a great story. Starring the young James Stewart as a newly appointed senator who is expected to smile and nod during his time in office. He ends up uncovering a scandal and feels the wrath of corrupt politicians and those that control them. It's a real feel-good, "yay America!" movie and deserves some 4.5/5 pledge allegiances y'all!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

So many to talk about

It's the 1st of December, brrrr! I'm anxiously awaiting a gargantuan snowfall predicted for today, there seems to be no doubt among all the weather sources that a large dumping is going to take place. BRING IT ON!

Some time has passed since I last posted and I have seen a few movies. I'll do a brief recap of what I watched and what I thought. Let's begin.

Ben-Hur, an epic classic. I attempted watching this in college and only go through the first half of the movie and I've always been meaning to finish it. Well it took me three viewings to make it through this 3 hour 40 minute film. All in all, it was very entertaining. I watched the first half on my 7inch portable DVD player, not the proper medium for watching this movie which was filmed in a very wide aspect ratio, one of the widest ever used according to Wikipedia.
The movie really paced well, which was surprising for it's length, and kept me quite enthralled. I enjoyed Charlton Heston's character and he fit the role well. It featured one of the coolest action sequences I've ever seen (the chariot race) which was a nail-biting sequence. This movie deserves 4.5/5 thong sandals.

I saw Enchanted in the theaters last weekend down in Iowa. Unfortunately I had to miss the first half-hour of the movie because I had to change a flat tire on my car. It was a cute girly movie and I enjoyed it. Big fan of Amy Adams, it could be because she bears a striking resemblance to my wife, but she pulled off the innocent, clueless princess very well. It was fun and deserves 3.5/5 glass slippers, I'm sure 10-year old girls enjoyed it a lot more than I did!

Rescue Dawn, a very good movie. I have never been disappointed by any of the movies I've seen with Christian Bale. It was also very interesting to see Steve Zahn in a serious role. It's a great story of survival and it provides a touching look into the true story of Dieter Dengler (Bale's character) and it includes some gripping profiles of life in a POW camp during the Vietnam War. It deserves 4/5 spanish olives.

Finally, I'll briefly talk about the movie my wife and I watched last night. Marie Antoinette. Pretty good. I was very pleased with Kirsten Dunst's portrayal of Antoinette and it had a very youthy feel to the movie. It was fun and an interesting look into the life of a teenage queen of France. A side note, I have been to the Palace of Versailles, it's one sweet pad. OK, 3/5 pieces of cake. Did y'all know that she never actually said "Let them eat cake". Au-revoir my friends.